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Titre: تعليمية الترجمة عربي – انجليزي – عربي في ضوء اللسانيات التقابلية (المستوى الميثا-ألسني نموذجا)
Auteur(s): بن يخلف, زياد سهيل
حاج عبد القادر, صهيب أسامة
Mots-clés: contrastive linguistics - meta linguistics - cultural context
Date de publication: 28-jan-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: This research dealt with the teaching of translation between Arabic and English from the perspective of contrastive linguistics. We started by defining the basic concepts and providing a comprehensive theoretical framework, then moved on to an applied study to analyze translated texts and compare them with the original texts. The emphasis was placed on the metha-linguistic level as a model, where we analyzed the factors affecting translation such as grammar, semantics, and cultural context.
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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