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Titre: ترجمة العنوان المسرحي بين الحرفية والتكافؤ -مسرحيات ويليام شكسبير نموذجا
Auteur(s): بن عيـــــسى, مـونيــــة
Mots-clés: Title, theater, Literal Translation, Equivalence
Date de publication: 23-jan-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: In order to give an additional value to our research in the field of translation, we have decided to shed light on translating titles in general, and titles of theatrical work in specific, in an attempt to take a closer look at the translation techniques used at this type of titles and examine how the tools were used, limiting our scope on literal translation and equivalence. Our research is comparative analytical one and relies on the translation of some iconic playwright throughout history, to enable us to draw a set of conclusions that answered our thesis statement.
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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