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Titre: ترجمة المصطلح القانوني باستخدام ريفيرسو كونتست: قانون تجاري نمودجا
Auteur(s): حميدي, أسماء
Mots-clés: Translation, Legal Translation, Legal Term, Commercial Law, Machine Translation, Reverso Context.
Date de publication: 23-jan-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: Legal translation is indeed one of the challenges faced by translators, especially in the field of commercial law, as it requires a deep understanding of specialized terminology. This study focuses on the ability of machine translation to assist translators in conveying terms into English ,through analysis of Reverso Context’s translation of 17 terms from the field of commercial law, while emphasizing the main difficulties they encounter.
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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