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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 81 à 100 de 161
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
15-avr-2019Designing an ESP Blended Course for Manufacturing and Engineering Sciences Master’s Students at Tlemcen UniversityMESSAOUDI, Nouria
14-fév-2019Critical Discourse Analysis of Newspapers: Case Study of Muslim Women Representation in British NewspapersBOUFERROUK, Abderraouf
14-fév-2019The Motivational and Psychological Factors to Encourage Critical Thinking Through Enjoying English Literature : The Case of First Year English Students at Kasdi Merbah University, OuarglaLembarek, Samira Sayah
12-fév-2019Language as a Tool for Shaping Identity and Promoting Social Progress in Shaw’s Pygmalion and Walker’s The Color PurpleAbla, AHMED KADI
12-fév-2019Implementing a Competency Based Instructional Framework to Develop ESP Students’ Reading Comprehension: Case of Master’s Students of Political Sciences at Mohamed Boudiaf University - M’silaLADJEL, Karima
28-jan-2019The Intertextual Reading of the Utopian Discourse in English Travel LiteratureKECHIDA, Nawal
17-déc-2018teaching writing skills for business purposes : case pf third year banking and finance licence students at mascara universityBENMAMMAR, Sarah
19-nov-2018Designing a Multi-focus Syllabus to teach ESP for Communication: the Case of Pharmacy Students at Blida UniversityBRAHIMI NAIT TAHAR, Bouchra
4-nov-2018Learner Positive Affect, a Prerequisite to the Success of all Foreign Language Learning Activity: The Case of EnglishGhlamallah, HEMAIDIA
4-nov-2018Towards a New Representational Linguistic Paradigm: Literary Dialect in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching GodBELMERABET, Fatiha
4-nov-2018Women Writing in Question : Politics and Aesthetics in Margaret Atwood’s NovelsBouhadjar, Houda
2-oct-2018Voice into Text: the Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of Orality in Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God and Ellison’s Invisible ManSebiane Chikh, Imene
2-oct-2018On the Relationship Between Teaching Pronunciation and Teaching Speaking: From Technicality to Fluency: Case of First-Year LMD EFL StudentsBelkheir Bouhadjar, Fethi
16-sep-2018A Pragmatic Investigation of Politeness Strategies in the Algerian Setting: Case of Tlemcen Speech CommunityEL HADJ SAID, Nabila
16-sep-2018Representations of Islam, Terrorism, and Religious Extremism: Cosmopolitan Identity in Muslim Anglophone NovelBOUNAR, Fateh
16-sep-2018The Effect of Attitudes towards Language Use and Stereotypical Concepts among F/EFL Learners in Tlemcen UniversityKHETIR, Naima
16-sep-2018The Diglossic Situation in an Algerian Language Teaching Context: Case of Tlemcen Primary SchoolsFATMI, Faïçal
16-sep-2018Implementing an ESP Course to Computer Sciences Students: Case Study of Master’s Students at the University of Mustapha Stambouli MascaraBENCHENNANE, Djamila
16-sep-2018An Integrative Approach to Teaching Literary Texts to EFL Students: The Case of Second-Year Learners at University of Tlemcen.FEHAIMA, Amaria
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 81 à 100 de 161