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dc.contributor.authorBENKHEDDA, Mohammed-
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation conducts a critical assessment of the effectiveness of English language skills modules, particularly in writing and listening, as part of the first-year LMD programme. These skills are crucial for academic success and effective communication; nevertheless, many students find it challenging to reach a proficient level. The investigation delves into key factors that impact language instruction, including pedagogical techniques, institutional frameworks, and student experiences. Adopting a mixed-methods approach, the research integrates quantitative data from teacher surveys with qualitative insights from student interviews and classroom observations. The findings indicate that while existing teaching strategies are partially effective, challenges persist, including limited opportunities for practice, insufficient exposure to authentic language environments, and a lack of student-centered pedagogical practices. The study advocates for curriculum reforms that promote more interactive and practical teaching strategies to better support the language learning of first-year students.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.subjectEnglish language skills; Writing; Listening; teaching strategies; Effective communication.en_US
dc.titleReflections upon EFL Language Skills Modules at the Level of the 1stYear LMD Programme: Case of Writing and Listeningen_US
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Anglais

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