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Titre: إشكالات تكوين الكفـاءة الترجمية لدى المترجم المتدرب - دراسة تطبيقية
Auteur(s): بن كرمة, سهام
بن صابر, كوثر
Mots-clés: Translator training, professional market, competences, the training content.
Date de publication: 29-jan-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: Our study untitled { problems of building translation competence among the trainer translator } aims to conserve the rector of competences, we analyze the training content concerning the translation training in the Algerian university and a survey , in order to discover the lax and to enhance the relationship between the training and professional market of translation.
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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