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Titre: The Effects of the EFL Teaching Methods and Approaches on Students’ Motivation. The Case of Master One Didactics Students at Tlemcen University
Auteur(s): LAOUFI, Zineb
Mots-clés: English language, learning, teaching, EFL students, EFL teachers, effective teaching methods, motivation
Date de publication: 14-jan-2025
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: This research aimed to describe the influence of using effective teaching method in EFL classes at University. This research consists of two chapters, and has been conducted under a descriptive-analytical method. The sample of this research was forty students and fifteen teachers the English Department of Letters and Foreign Languages Faculty, Tlemcen University in Algeria. The data was collected through two questionnaires that were administrated to both of students and teachers. The analysis of the data was carried out through quantitative data analysis along with the observation and comparison between teachers and students’ answers based on eight most used and known teaching methods that are the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct Method, the Audio-Lingual Method, the Communicative Language Teaching, the Total Physical Response, the Community Language Learning, the Competency-Based Approach and the Eclectic teaching approach. The research concluded that students’ results and perceptions confirm the fact that the use of effective teaching methods improves students’ motivation.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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