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Titre: Les représentations sociolinguistiques des parents d’élèves à TLEMCEN vis-à-vis la nouvelle planification linguistique imposée dans le cycle primaire
Auteur(s): CHIKHI, Hind
SAIDANI Meriem Bouchra, Meriem Bouchra
Mots-clés: linguistic representation, linguistic planning, epi-linguistic speech.
Date de publication: 15-fév-2024
Editeur: university of Tlemcen
Résumé: This study is in the field of sociolinguistics, it aims to study the representations of parents of pupils about the two foreign languages present in the school program of the 3rd grade of primary school (2022/2023). The purpose of this research is to see how Algerians perceive their children’s early contact with the English language, in other words, what their impact is on new language planning, which will allow us to study the different epi-linguistic speech of those parents.
Collection(s) :Master en Français

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