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Titre: دراسة إ حصائية للكتب المترجمة من الإنجليزية إلى العربية بالجزائر -مكتبات تلمسان أنموجا
Auteur(s): حمادي, حبيب بوزيان
جكال, نسرين تين هينان
Mots-clés: translated books -survey-library science-Algeria-publishing houses.
Date de publication: 18-déc-2023
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: Under the title of “A survey of books translated from English into Arabic in Algeria" this research aims to study library science, its importance and its development over time, focus on the reality of translation as an academic discipline in Algeria and shed light on the almost non-existent relation between the translator and publishing houses in Algeria.
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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