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Titre: Conception et réalisation d’une application mobile pour la gestion de banque de sang.
Autre(s) titre(s): BLOODAPP
Auteur(s): Lakhal, Chaimaa
Khiat, Amel
Mots-clés: blood donation, blood transfusion, blood bank, UML
don de sang, transfusion sanguine, banque de sang, UML.
Date de publication: 26-jui-2023
Editeur: 17-12-2023
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: son.for.p.;
Résumé: Blood donation is very important because of its vital power. By donating your blood, you help infected patients or people, such as those who have had accidents or need surgery. Blood is also used to treat various medical conditions, including cancer, sickle cell anemia and hemophilia.In addition to saving lives, blood donation has other important benefits. For example, blood donation can stimulate the production of new blood cells while the body tries to compensate for blood loss. This helps to promote good health Blood donation is also a simple and accessible way to give back to the community. While it doesn’t take much time or effort, the impact of blood donation can be enormous. By donating blood, you can actually change the lives of people in need. As part of our graduation project, we created a mobile app to facilitate the search for compatible donors. Our app allows donors to quickly communicate with recipients by sending requests for donations, both for urgent needs and for scheduled sessions. Users can easily communicate by direct messages or calls to facilitate coordination. In addition, we have established a blood bank platform where donors can indicate their availability, timing and donation. This feature improves appointment management and ensures a steady flow of blood donati
Collection(s) :Master chimie

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