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Titre: Elliptic problems with nonlinear terms depending on the gradient and singular on the boundary
Auteur(s): ABDELLAOUI, Boumediene
PERAL, Ireneo
WALIAS, Magdalena
Mots-clés: Elliptic equations
Singular nonlinearities
Dependence on the gradient
Date de publication: 15-fév-2011
Résumé: In this paper we consider the problem{-Delta u = u(q alpha)vertical bar del u vertical bar(q) +lambda f(x) in Omega u = 0 on partial derivative Omega , (P)where Omega subset of R(N) is a bounded domain, 1 < q <= 2, alpha is an element of R and f >= 0. We prove that:(1) If q alpha < -1, then problem (P) has a distributional solution for all f is an element of L(1)(Omega), and all lambda > 0.(2) If -1 <= q alpha < 0, then problem (P) has a solution for all f is an element of L(s)(Omega), where s > N/q if N >= 2, and without any restriction on lambda.(3) If q = 2 and -1 <= q alpha < 0 then problem (P) has infinitely many solutions under suitable hypotheses on f.(4) If 0 <= q alpha and f is an element of L(1)(Omega) satisfieslambda 1 (f) = inf (phi is an element of W01,2(Omega)) integral(Omega)vertical bar del phi vertical bar(2)dx/integral(Omega)f phi(2)dx > 0,then problem (P) has a positive solution if 0 < lambda < lambda(1)(f) and no positive solution for large lambda.
Description: Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, ISSN : 0362-546X, DOI : 10.1016/, Issue : 4, Volume : 74, pp. 1355–1371, 15 February 2011.
ISSN: 0362-546X
Collection(s) :Articles internationaux

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