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Titre: Systeme proie-predateur avec comportement de troupeau et un Effet Allee fort.
Auteur(s): Otmani, Fatima Zohra
Mots-clés: Prey-predator system, Allee effect, stability, Hopf bifurcation.
Système proie-prédateur, Effet Allée, Stabilité, Bifurcation de Hopf.
Date de publication: 30-jui-2019
Editeur: University of tlemcen
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: BFST2593;
Résumé: In this paper, we have studied the dynamical behaviours of a predator-prey system. The prey exhibits herd behaviour, and is also subject to strong Allee effect. Positivity and boundedness of the system are discussed. Somme criteria for the extinction of prey and predator populations are derived. Stability analysis of the equilibrium points is presented. A criterion for Hopf bifurcation is derived. Numerical simulations are carried out to validate our analytical findings. Implications of our analytical and numerical findings are discussed critically.
Collection(s) :Master en Mathématique

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