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dc.contributor.authorHADI, Kheira-
dc.description.abstractThe concept of learner autonomy has become nowadays a key concern for classroom teachers and curriculum designers in Higher education. This research sheds light on the concept of learner autonomy in English learning at university level in Algeria, it investigates how learners and teachers perceive the concept and to which extent learners are ready for autonomous learning. The aim of the research is to find ways for promoting learner autonomy. The research is conducted in Tlemcen university and Ain Temouchent university center, through the use of questionnaires, classroom observations and semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal unawareness of the concept and unreadiness for applying it. The research argues for an urgent need to promote autonomy in English learning at university level.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.subjectlearner autonomy- EFL learners-teachers- readiness-promotingen_US
dc.titleInvestigating Learner Autonomy among EFL Students and Teachers : Readiness and Concept Perceptionen_US
Collection(s) :Doctorat en Anglais

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