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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorHASSAINE BENSENANE, Yasmina-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to investigate the assessment of students’ cultural awareness in literature. It attempts to elicit the literature teachers’ attitudes towards the pedagogical tools used in assessment. The results of this research indicate that students are not assessed on the cultural side in literature and that teachers focus more on the language and content rather than on the cultural components of the text. Besides, the research has revealed that the assessment of students’ cultural awareness prepares them to be socially and culturally responsible. Also, it encourages them to improve their learning and to think critically and independently.en_US
dc.subjectliterature, culture, assessment, cultural awarenessen_US
dc.titleAssessment of Students’ Cultural Awareness in British Literature through Women Writers : the Case of 1st Year Master Students.en_US
Collection(s) :Magister en Anglais

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