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Titre: Improving EFL learners’ Speaking: Case of First Year Students at the University of Tlemcen
Auteur(s): Kadri, Med El Amine
Mots-clés: Improving- EFL- learners- Speaking -First Year Students - University of Tlemcen
Date de publication: 1-oct-2015
Editeur: University of Tlemcen
Résumé: The present work aims at shading light on the importance of speaking and introducing some strategies that promote this skill and improve students’ proficiency. Therefore, the activities teachers use may essentially influence the eventual efficiency of the development of speaking skill. This research also attempts to explore whether learners use the mother tongue while speaking in class. A case study research was conducted in Abou Bakr Belkaid University of Tlemcen relying on a number of research instruments for data collection: questionnaire for learners and structured interview with teachers. The data collected were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results revealed that first year EFL students improve their speaking skill through selftraining in reading aloud, discussions and role play in conversations. On the other hand, teachers encourage their learners by using the previous activities (discussions and role play) and debates as well. Though the use of mother tongue may give brief explanations and facilitate the management of learning, this work emphasised that using the target language is crucial to achieve the objectives of speaking English fluently and accurately. At the end, some recommendations were presented to enhance the skill of speaking among University students.
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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