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dc.contributor.authorSEBBAGH, NABAHAT-
dc.description.abstractIn order to determine lipoprotein and essential fatty acids abnormalities associated with insulin dependent diabetes (IDDM), a comparative study is investigated on plasma Iipid and apoprotein of lipoprotein (VLDL, LDL, HDL) and fatty acid composition of lipoprotein (TG-VLDLEC-LDL,EC-HDL,PL-HDL) and PL of red blood ceil membrane in insuIn —dependant diabetic and control subjects of Tlemcen region. Lipoprotein isolation was carried out by an ultra centrifugation. fatty acids were analysed by gas chromatography after lipid extraction with organic solvents. Study deal and dietary intake were also registered about the select population. Plasma levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids APO B100. were significantly higher , while plasma APO Al was significantly lower in diabetic patient than control group. Diabetic patients showed higher VLDL and LOL mass and lower HDL mass. Composition of different lipoprotein fractions is also altered with increase TG in VLDL;CT, TG, PL and PROT in LDL and the fatty acid composition of diabetic subjects showed increased SFA and LAMA ratio in serum in serum lipids and membrane . However, the PIS decreased in TG-VLDL, PL-HDL and PL membrane. Study deal showed decreased eriergy intake for diabetic subjects, resulting for poor lipids intake. Dietary fatty acids (SFA, MUFA, PUFA)were lower in MD patients compared to controls. In conclusion, insulin- dependant diabetes (10DM) is associated with important ahnormalities leading to the alterations of lipoprotein metabolism, lipids fatty acid and membrane compositions. KEY WORDS: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM) , lipids, lipoprotein, fatty acids. (DID (VLDL, LDL, HDL) ( TG-N,DL,EC-LDL,EC-HDL,PL-LDL • s i Li ci Ç3Jt L- L. -U 4J) 4.4D1D APOA14f j j APOB100 L5 DIP -Lue, Ç.iJ HDL LDL,VLDL fi TG-LDL,PL-LDL,CT-LDL , TG-VLDL - PROT-HDL C PL-HDL 'U - AL/AA AGC j iL - - D1D - - AGPIS, AGS, AGMIS f - ku>-» 3jj _ DID j_4_&i & Jj..LJLJ ;)LJ , j :jp (DID Vtveten_US
dc.subjectInsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDMen_US
dc.titleDétermination de la composition en acides gras des membranes des érythrocytes, et des lipides des lipoprotéines chez les sujets diabétiques insulinodépendants (Type I)en_US
Collection(s) :Magister en Biologie

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