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dc.contributor.authorHADI, Kheira-
dc.description.abstractThis research is concerned with learner autonomy in formal language learning contexts (secondary education). It is a case study designed to investigate learners’ readiness for autonomous learning. The purpose of the study is to discover whether or not pupils attending English Language in secondary school are ready to take on an autonomous language learning. Before any interventions aiming at fostering autonomy are implemented, it is necessary to explore learners’ readiness for autonomous learning. The study contains four chapters: Chapter one is a litera ture review that covers general areas of learner autonomy. Chapter two provides an overview of ELT in Algeria. It sheds light on the notion of learner autonomy in the newly introduced approach in Algerian schools, i.e, the Competency- Based Approach. Chapter three deals with a methodological design in order to answer the research questions. A triangulation method is used in this work; it includes data collection from questionnaires that have been put to both secondary teachers and pupils. In addition to a classroom observation and an interview with a general inspector of English. Chapter four provides suggestions and recommendations about how to promote learner autonomy for learners and teachers. The research argues that ELT in Algeria should aim at cultivating learner autonomy through attributing new roles for the language teacher and learning strategy training for the learner. Finally, this study insists on the need to integrate learner autonomy in English learning not only as a top down decision but as a gradual procedure based on training of EFL teachers and learners towards the development of autonomyen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.titlePromoting Learner Autonomy in an EFL Context: Learners’ Readiness and Teachers’ Roles. (The Case of First Year Pupils in Secondary Education in Algeria-
Collection(s) :Magister en Anglais

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