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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorBENFATMI, SABRINA-
dc.contributor.authorBENBOUZIANE, KHEIRA HANANE-
dc.description.abstractOur research focused on French in scientific fields, specifically in the Department of Natural and Earth Sciences (Biology), with the aim of studying the difficulties faced by first-year undergraduate students at the University of Tlemcen in their learning of scientific French. We conducted our survey using a questionnaire with various questions addressed to the students, followed by an observation grid to collect as much data as possible. Then, we analyzed these data to achieve the objectives of our research and to answer our research question.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.subjectscientific French, FOS, teaching, learning, difficulties.en_US
dc.titleL’enseignement du français dans les filières scientifiques. Cas des étudiants de la 1ère année de licence biologie.en_US
Collection(s) :Master en Français

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