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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorHelal, Farah-
dc.contributor.authorSebbane, Kawter Sarra-
dc.description.abstractThe process of globalization has revolutionized various academic fields including the English language that became a dominant language for international communication in business, education, and technology. Similarly, the use of technology, such as interactive platforms and mobile apps, has also evolved to facilitate the process of learning the English language. Thus, this work was conducted on the basis of using Busuu app for EFL learners to enhance language productive skills. In the present study, the researchers opt for an experimental case study, which randomly selected 20 students from L1 of the English language department of Tlemcen university as a sample population. Furthermore, a triangulation method was used, that is tests, interviews and dairy as research instruments to collect data to be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. However, the final findings disclose that the students only ameliorate One of their productive skills, that is the speaking skill. Nevertheless, the students were satisfied with the use of the app as they found it easy and simple in its utilization, regardless of whether most of the learners face challenges in terms of time management in using this application. By the end of this research, some recommendations and suggestions were presented for the sake of implementing language apps in order to make the learning environment more enjoyable and engage learners to develop learners’ productive skills.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.titleUsing Technology to Enhance Language Learning in Productive Skills Through Mobile Apps: Case of EFL Students at The University of Tlemcenen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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