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dc.contributor.authorSETTAOUI, Romaissa-
dc.description.abstractThe study examines the widespread prevalence of electronic screen syndrome in recent time ,where electronic screens become a significant threat, negatively impacting children ,particularly in terms of their language, behaviors and social interactions .The aim of this study is to explore the perspectives of psychologists and speech therapists regarding these case of children ,the challenges they faced ,and their role in meeting the linguistic and communicative needs of these children. In this context, the data was collected through questionnaires and interviews with specialist, where the findings shed light on the crucial role of early intervention programs and the unique linguistic and communicative challenges among children with electronic screen syndrome, As well as the necessity of raising awareness among parents about this syndrome and intervening to eliminate or reduce its impact early on.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.titleLinguistic Development Among Children With Electronic Screen Syndrome :Case of Tlemcen Cityen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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