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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorهنان, إيمان-
dc.description.abstractThe memorandum is a tesearch paper dealing with the issue of traduction films ( subtitling) among its pages wish is a difficult task for the translator, as the not come to highlight the importance of subtitling in conveying the content of visual artworks to peoples of different cultures, and this is through the definition of subtitling and how to deal with it, and mention the means necessary to work on it showing the role of the recovered films in transmitting culture and news to the people and I chose the movie «the five feet a part» As a blog to apply to, this was done by using the descriptive approach that helped to extrapolate subtitle me chanisms and analyze the content of the blog, and the historical method through which I worked to stand on the history of translation in general and subtitling in particular. At the end of this note, I concluded that the main role of subtitling lies in conveying ideas and meanings in the frame work of cinematic films, and this is what I saw in amovie«the five feet a part», where she conveyed the words to us with honesty and accurancy that made me understand the content of the film, despite the importance of subtitling, it did not receive its sufficient share of attention and studies.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.subjectCinemastics films_ subtitling_ translator_ translationen_US
dc.titleأنموذجاThe five feet a part الأفلام السينمائّية فيلمen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Traduction

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