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dc.contributor.authorHADJ ABDELKADER, Mounir-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focuses on the role of playful activity as a didactic support for the acquisition of French as a foreign language, specifically among fifth-year primary school learners, and its influence on their motivation. This research starts with two theoretical chapters that aim to provide a clear understanding of the discussed concepts and to explore the impact of gamification in the classroom on learner motivation. The third chapter, which adopts a more practical approach, presents a comparative analysis between two classes: one following a conventional teaching method, and the other embracing a more modern approach by introducing playful activities. This chapter is also devoted to the analysis of the results obtained following a questionnaire sent to teachers. In conclusion, this study confirms the degree of efficiency of playful activities in promoting learners' comprehension and creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere in the classroom.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.subjectplayful activities / games / motivation / teaching / learning.en_US
dc.titleL’activité ludique comme outil pédagogique favorisant un apprentissage motivant pour les apprenants « Cas de 5ème année primaireen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Français

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