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dc.contributor.authorBendelal aboura,Rachida-
dc.description.abstractManagement constitutes a state of mind represented by dialogue, openness, listening and above all, a strong desire to seek collective efficiency, this establishes/builds the common point between the various management schools which followed one another; Managers are therefore considered as leaders who lead multidisciplinary teams, who by their skills can run/manage and communicate effectively, thanks to their proximity to the field; this can be beneficial for both the company and the subordinate; their responsibility is, however, conditioned by an organizational structure which reflects the social hierarchy and the power games and determines in a formalized way the main modes of labor division; Our research consists of knowing whether, by his experience and his leadership style or more generally by his behavior, the manager succeeds in shaking up the rigidity of the organizational structure of the company thereby creating, in parallel, an informal organization; III The empirical study carried out in the SEROR Company allowed us to confirm the existence of an impact of the behavior of its manager on the structure thereof.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity of tlemcen-
dc.subjectcompany, managerial behavior, management, leadership, communication, organizational structure.en_US
dc.titleComportement managérial et management organisationnel - Cas des entreprises Algériennesen_US
Collection(s) :Doctorat Classique en Science de Gestion

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