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dc.contributor.authorGueddouda, MK-
dc.contributor.authorLamara, M-
dc.contributor.authorAbou Bekr, N-
dc.contributor.authorTaibi, S-
dc.descriptionGEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, ISSN : 2005-307X, Issue : 3, Volume : 2, pp. 213-227,2010.en_US
dc.description.abstractCompacted layers of sand-bentonite mixtures have been proposed and used in a variety of geotechnical projects as engineered barriers for the enhancement of impervious landfill liners, cores of zoned earth dams and radioactive waste repository systems. In the practice we try to get an economical mixture that satisfies the hydraulic and mechanical properties specified by regulation rules. The effect of the bentonite additions on the mixture is reflected by its capability of clogging the matrix pores upon swelling. In order to get an adequate dune sand-bentonite mixture, an investigation on hydraulic and mechanical behaviours is carried out in this study for different mixtures. Using oedometer test, the adequate bentonite addition to the mixture, which satisfies the conditions on permeability, is found to be around 12% to 15 %. These results are also confirmed by direct measurement using triaxial cell.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcenen_US
dc.subjectDune sanden_US
dc.subjectsaturated permeabilityen_US
dc.subjectinsulation barriersen_US
dc.subjectsouth of Algeriaen_US
dc.titleHydraulic behaviour of dune sand bentonite mixtures under confining stressen_US
Collection(s) :Articles internationaux

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