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Titre: Une approche de sélection des services Web composites à base de critères de vie Privée.
Auteur(s): ELOUCHDI, Faysal
KHITRI, Mohammed El Mahdi
Mots-clés: Internet privacy, web service, web services selection, negotiation, composition
Vie privée sur Internet, service Web, sélection des Services Web, négociation, composition.
Date de publication: 6-jui-2019
Editeur: 28-06-2022
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: bfst2691;
Résumé: Web applications composed of atomic Web services are used in many fields. In order to meet user needs, Web services selection models have been implemented. The main selection criteria supported by the latter are the quality of service (QoS) criteria, neglecting confidentiality settings. In this work, in order to address the issue of privacy protection in Web services, we propose a Framework for selecting Web services based on privacy criteria. This Framework consists of a multi-agent system with a negotiation process. The proposed Framework is able to find a composition with a minimum risk of threat to privacy. We also proposed a declarative approach based on Answer Set Programming (ASP) to implement the selection algorithm.
Collection(s) :Master chimie

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