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Titre: Respect de la vie privée de la localisation dans le Facebook.
Auteur(s): Chergui, Yasmina
Mots-clés: : OSN, GPS, Facebook, privacy, location service, protection.
OSN, GPS, Facebook, la vie privée, service de localisation, protection.
Date de publication: 19-sep-2019
Editeur: 13-06-2022
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: bfst2700;
Résumé: The protection of privacy has now become a challenge and a hotbed of research. Despite this constraint, users are becoming more demanding and want access to different services, such as localization, social networks, entertainment and privacy protection. In other words everyone wants to use the OSNs without being watched or followed during their journey eg by car or by another means of transport. We present in this work a solution for Facebook users as a tool of protection on their private lives against the services of location. We propose a conception and implementation for the mobile application to solve the problem of violation Facebook location privacy; we used in the application the principle of private areas defined by the user and notification to disable the localization of Facebook in case he enters these areas.
Collection(s) :Master chimie

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