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Titre: Vapor–Liquid Equilibria of Binary Mixtures Containing 1-Butanol and Hydrocarbons at 313.15 K
Auteur(s): Belabbaci, Aouicha
Villamañan, Rosa M.
Negadi, Latifa
Martin, Carmen M.
Ait Kaci, Ahmed
Villamañan, Miguel a.
Date de publication: 2012
Résumé: Total pressure measurements made at 313.15 K by the static method for five binary mixtures 1-butanol + heptane, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, dodecane, cyclohexane, and methylbenzene are presented. Data reduction by Barker's method provides correlations for GE, using the four-parameter Margules equation; also the Wilson, nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL), and universal quasichemical activity coefficient (UNIQUAC) models have been used for fitting binary systems. The five investigated mixtures exh ibit a positive deviation from ideality. No azeotrope has been detected for 1-butanol + dodecane, and the other systems show positive azeotropy. Good results a re-obtained in the prediction of total pressure for these systems.
Collection(s) :Articles internationaux

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