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Titre: Homo-réseaux interpénétrés de polymères, photo-polymérisation, FTIR, gonflement, DSC, ATG.
Auteur(s): BOURMAKI, Imane
Mots-clés: Cloud computing, CloudSim, Cuckoo Search, Round Robin.
Cloud computing, CloudSim, Cuckoo Search, Round Robin
Date de publication: 6-jui-2019
Editeur: 26-04-2021
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: BFST2681;
Résumé: Cloud computing is a technology which is based on a better quality of service and a high availability of the infrastructure allowing data access and services available on remote servers. In particular, it offers companies the opportunity to reduce software operating costs by using them directly online. The objective of this work is to achieve a multi-objective optimization in Cloud computig using cuckoo search metaheuristics to satisfy the following objectives: the reduction of execution time, the reduction of energy consumption and the reduction of cost. The problem dealt with is the assignment of tasks in different virtual machines. The proposed approach gave better performance compared to the classical approach (Round Robin). The CloudSim simulator was chosen for the realization of the different simulations and the Java language was used for the realization of the HMI thus allowing the interactions between the user and the simulator.
Collection(s) :Master chimie

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