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Titre: Développement d'une plateforme professionnelle pour la wilaya de Tlemcen.
Auteur(s): Kadi, Yasser
Mots-clés: Wilaya, Platform, Claim, Busy, File, Laravel.
Wilaya, Plate-forme, Revendication, Réclamation, Dossier, Laravel.
Date de publication: 27-jui-2019
Editeur: 18-04-2021
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: BFST2677;
Résumé: The popularization of IT in different sectors and domains (E-Commerce, E-Administration, E- Government, Meteorology, Multi Media, Digital Libraries, Social Networks ...), is a new era that has emerged a multitude of platforms and systems relying on networks, the internet and information technologies. Governments that offer public services have been forced to design digital platforms to interact with citizens to improve services and break bureaucracy. In our country Algeria, the wilaya is one of the administrations that is in permanent interaction with the citizen. In order to improve the public service offered by the wilaya and its auxiliary administrations, we have developed a digital platform, allowing effective interactions with citizens, especially for making appointments, filing a file, any claim or concern in the various sectors of the public power.
Collection(s) :Master chimie

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