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Titre: Contribution à l’analyse des polluants métalliques chez la carpe de l’oued du village Tafna - Maghnia (Willaya de Tlemcen)
Auteur(s): Bekkal, Nesrine
Mots-clés: Cyprinus carpio, Pollution, wadi, heavy metals, Sediments, organs.
Date de publication: 10-jui-2019
Editeur: university of tlemcen
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Collection/Numéro: BFST2646;
Résumé: In our present study the heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb) were determined in the organs of the common carp (Ciprinus carpio) fish of wadi Tafna in the village of Tafna (Maghnia, Wilaya of Tlemcen). This wadi is considered as an important source of water for irrigation. January 2019 was the sampling period. After dissection the gills, liver and muscle were chosen to be samples that were then mineralized and analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The results showed that the concentration of Zn, Pb and Cd exceed the reference values and the Fe, Cu do not get over the reference values The metal accumulation in the liver is higher than that in the in muscle and gills for the most part of the metal elements. For the calculation of bioconcentration factor we analyzed the same metals in the sediments where we found that all the metals don’t exceed the reference values. And for the statistical analysis showed that the liver contains more the copper, the iron, cadmium and the zinc but the gills and the muscle contain more the zinc and the plumb. Also, we found that the sediments contain more the plumb
Description: : Cyprinus carpio, Pollution, Oued, Métaux lourds, Sédiments, organes
ISSN: MS-540-139
Collection(s) :Master en chimie

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