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dc.contributor.authorKLOUCHE, Nihel-
dc.description.abstractA novèl anaerobie, chemo-org<lnotrophic bacteriurp, designated VNs36 r, was isolated from that c;ollected water from a deep saline aqJ.Jifer used for underground gas storage at a 830 m in the Paris Basin, France. Cells were curved motile rods or vibrios (3.0-5.0x0.6 Strain VNs36T grew at temperatures between 20 and 50 •c (optimum 37 •c) and at pH between 5.0 and 9.0 (optimum 6.9). lt did not require salt for growth, but tolerated up to 20 NaCII-1 (optimum 2 g rJ). ln the presence of sulfate, strain VNs36J used lactate, formate pyruvate as carbon and energy sources. The main fermentation products from lactate were acetate, H2 and C02• Sulfate, thiosulfate and sulfite wer.e used a.s electron acceptors. :but sulfur. The genëmic ONA G+C content of.strain VNsssr was 67.2 mol%. Phylog13netic of the 16S rRNA gene· sequence indicated thal strain VNs36 T was affiliated with the family OesulfovJbrionaceae within the class· Deltaproteobacteria. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence comparist>ns, ONA G + C content and the absence of desulfoviridin in cell.extracts., proposed thal strain VNs36 r be asslgned to a new genus, Desulfocurvus gen. nov., as a representative of a novel species, Oesulfocwrvus vexinensis sp. nov. The type species of genus is Oesulfocurvus vexinensis With the type strain VNs36 Ten_US
dc.subjectunderground gas storage-
dc.titleDesulfocurvus vexinensis g·en. nov., sp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium isofated from a deep subsurface aquiferen_US
Collection(s) :Communications internationales

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