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Titre: Création D’une Application Web Pour La Gestion d’un laboratoire de recherche.
Autre(s) titre(s): Cas pratique laboratoire de recherche : Structures Intelligentes "SSL" Pour Centre Universitaires Belhadj Bouchaib – Ain Témochent
Auteur(s): Louh, Menouar
Mots-clés: website, analysis lab, larval, charts
site web, laboratoire d'analyse, larvaire, graphiques
Date de publication: 20-jui-2019
Editeur: University of tlemcen
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Résumé: The research laboratory is responsible for the implementation of one or more themes of scientific research and technological development. His tasks are: Research to achieve the objectives of scientific research and technological development in a specific scientific field; Contribute to the development of research programs in the field of their activities; Contribute to the acquisition, mastery and development of new scientific and technological knowledge; The purpose of our project is to facilitate the work and to create a website for the management of research laboratories. The real case is the research laboratory "Intelligent Structures".
Collection(s) :Master chimie

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