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Titre: Préparation et caractérisation des semiconducteurs. Application à la photocatalyse.
Auteur(s): Senouci Berekci, Nadia
Mots-clés: caractérisation des semiconducteurs. Application à la photocatalyse
Date de publication: 15-jui-2019
Editeur: University of tlemcen
Référence bibliographique: salle des thèses
Résumé: This memory is produced for the purpose of the preparation and characterization of semiconductors, in order to test them in the photodegradation of pharmaceutical products. The synthetic methods adopted are sol-gel for TiO2, and precipitation for combined oxides such as NiO-TiO2, ZnO-TiO2 and CeO2-TiO2, the latter are characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction , nitrogen adsorption-desorption, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, diffuse reflection UV-Vis spectroscopy, scanning microscopy and finally atomic absorption spectroscopy. The catalytic test is carried out on pharmaceutical products such as gentamicin which is an antibiotic and piroxicam which is an anti-inflammatory agent under UV irradiation (254nm, 10W) and the degradation rate has been quantified by UV-Visible spectroscopy and chemical oxygen demand.
Collection(s) :Master en chimie

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