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dc.contributor.authorFERHAH, Halima-
dc.contributor.authorBENHADJEBA, Zoulikha-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the present study is to determine the factors for which Master one English students at Tlemcen University switch from one language to the other in classroom setting and know how this persistent and spontaneous code switching may affect English language learning and teaching. A case study was conducted which relied on the use of observation in addition to a questionnaire which was administered both to students and teachers who have different fields of specialism. According to the results obtained from gathering and analyzing data, it has been revealed that the main factors which lie behind students code switching is due to language deficiency or language skills showing. They share a common view that code switching affects negatively English language learning and teaching only if it is overused.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.subjectcode-switching, language deficiency, language skills showing, observation, questionnaire.en_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Code Switching on English Language Learning and Teaching. Case of Master One LS Students at Tlemcen Universityen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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