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dc.contributor.authorCherifi, Amira-
dc.contributor.authorFrihi, Houssem-
dc.description.abstractThe present dissertation investigates the impact that the MSA has on EFL writings. It provides a description of the type of errors that first year secondary pupils of lycee Bouazza Miloud, commit in their English writings due to the negative transfer from MSA. It also attempts to give a clue about the causes of such phenomenon, and some suggestions to overcome such problem. To achieve such goal, an investigation about the language situation and previous theories of linguistic interference were described. Moreover, an exploratory case study has been done on forty student and four teachers of English, the results have proven the accuracy of the suggested hypothesisen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Tlemcen-
dc.subjectimpact, MSA, EFL writings, first year secondary pupils, lycee Bouazza Miloud, negative transfer, linguistic interflinguisten_US
dc.titleThe impact of Modern Standard Arabic on EFL writings: The case study of first year secondary pupils at lyceeBouazzaMiloud-Maghnia, Tlemcenen_US
Collection(s) :Master en Anglais

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