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- WinCC, IHM, TIA PORTALE, supervision, S7-1200 1
- Wind farm - WAsP - Optimization - Energy production - Weibull function - Wind potential. 1
- window layer 1
- Winsock, Mscomm, RS232. 1
- Wireless Body Area Networks, IEEE 802.15.4 standard, Beacon mode, Superframe, Periodic traffic, Seasonality, False positive ratio, Detection ratio. 1
- WIRELESS communication systems 1
- wireless communications 1
- wireless network 1
- Wireless networks sensor, routing protocol, GSR, Dijkstra, Simulated Annealing. 1
- Wireless sensor networks 1
- Wireless Sensor Network 1
- Wireless sensor network, Application Event-Driven, TinyOS, NesC. 1
- wireless sensor networks (WSN), security in WSN, Clone attack. 1
- Wireless sensor networks (WSN), WSN security, secure data aggregation, secure localization. 1
- Wireless sensor networks, aggregation data, secure aggregated data, confidentiality, and encryption. 1
- Wireless sensor networks, Cloud Computing, Prediction, Forecasting, Aggregation. 1
- Wireless Sensor Networks, prototype, precision agriculture 1
- Wireless Sensor Networks, Routing, Data Dissemination 1
- Wireless sensor networks, Sensor, aggregation of data, energy, Contiki 1
- Wirelesse Optical communications 1