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Montrant les résultats 23601 à 23620 de 33112
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- WCDMA, CDMA, MIMO, Antennes Intelligentes, Algorithmes Adaptatifs 1
- WCDMA, MIMO, multiplexage spatial. 1
- WDM 1
- WDM, BER, OSNR, facteur de qualité Q. 1
- WDM, DWDM, NG-DWDM, OptiSystem 1
- WDM, modulation DPSK, 1
- Weakly basic resin, chromium(VI), isotherms, kinetic models, 1
- Web 1
- Web Application, Struts 2, Hibernate, Java, Authentication, Role Management, Encryption. 1
- WEB e-commerce - J2EE. 1
- Web E-Commerce. 1
- Web Service discovery , Hybrid ,matching algorithm, fuzzy dominance 1
- web service, applications, heterogeneous systems, distributed environments. 1
- web service, semantic web, service composition, semantic matching, and genetic algorithm. 1
- web services 1
- Web Services, Selection Algorithms, Quality of services, Optimization, Tabu Search. 1
- Web services, selection of web services, mimetic algorithm, quality of service, combinatorial optimization, local search. 1
- web services, service discovery, Coombs method. 1
- web services,ontologie,intégration de données ,médiation,adaptateur 1
- web sémantique 1